welcome to my blog

i would like to share my amazing life as a girl, woman, wife, mothers and daughter. i am surely enjoying my amazing life. my life complete and full of lively things. thank you Allah..

About Me

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


semalam pergi jumpa doktor kat INS..... alhamdulillah baby ok, gula ok, darah pun ok. naufal frust sebab tak dapat tengok adik. ya la waktu masuk dalam bilik doktor, dia tak dak, pi beli roti ngan abah. so the doc gave me four kinds of med. 2 for vomiting and two more for the baby. i feel better today. fresh and healthy. i hope it will last long.

Monday, October 18, 2010

looking naughty.. well he is. abdullah naufal is his full name. unik tak? banyak orang kata nama oldies... lantak la. tak kisah lah asalkan maksud nya elok baik dan lemak berkrim. maksudnya, hamba Allah yang pemurah. ok lah kan. aku and suhil excited sangat sangat. we bought his first shirt during my three month pregnant. and then hari hari tengok baju tu. we really spend on his cloth during the seventh till i gave birth to him. hopefully he will be blessed and jadi anak yang baik dan soleh. dont break my heart........

Sunday, October 17, 2010

my son

my dear son, naufal refused to eat. asyik minum susu saja. risau lah. how to make him eat. not a lot but enough for his body. he is active and playful.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


ini gambar naufal. waktu ni dia dalam 8 bulan..... masih duduk dalam walker. walker tuh dia buat macam kapal terbang... terbang sana sini. tok pun tak boleh lawan. budak lelaki memang tak dinafikan keganasan dan kebuasan. bila tengok-tengok muka dia teringat kenangan waktu mengandung kat naufal. so sweet. the most exciting and incredible journey in my life. so now i'm expecting new baby. it will be as amazing as my first. more over my son will be my youngest doctor. he will always remind me of everything. he keeps asking me, bila nak pergi beli baju kat adik? sabag je lahhhh

morning sickness...

last 8th of october was the day i discovered that i'm pregnant. speechless. it was not on my list.... for the second time i saw his happy tears... i told my son in the morning and he kept asking me where is it? where is the baby? and we must start calling him big brother or else.... well you know kids... by the time i knew all the worse thing came back to me... the dizziness, vomiting, feeling lazy, and etc. the world kept spinning around.

